Walk through life fearlessly ...
A 5-hour transformational event designed to help you learn to walk through your life fearlessly. By learning how to walk on fire—literally.
Empowerment Leader &
Firewalking Instructor Training
Step forth into your magnificence while empowering others in the process. Become empowered and Certified to facilitate: firewalking, board breaking, glass walking, arrow breaking, steel bar bends, and a variety of empowerment exercises and team building activities.
"I can move through any challenge in my life, through a fearlessness that involves focused intentions which create a vibrantly clear and loving image of what I want out of life. Kerry, through sincerity, humor, and razor focus has helped me begin to consciously create a new and abundant life for myself and all those I come in contact with. Thank you Kerry."

Creating unwavering positive focus—no matter what!
The idea of positive focus is one thing. The direct physical experience of it—while walking across a bed of broken glass—is quite another. In this depth-filled and engaging workshop we will use exploration and direct physical experience to create a complete mind/body/soul experience. You will have the opportunity to walk on broken glass as a direct physical demonstration of your newfound grasp of focus in relationship to your reality (this exercise is optional).
By experiencing this type of unwavering focus, you can expect to access a new and completely connected sense of self, with renewed self-empowerment and vigor for creating the life you may have only dreamed of. Transforming what is “real” and “true” with each and every step.