Learn more about Kerry & Karina

Kerry Cudmore MS, CPCC, PCC is a professional Life and Business Coach, Empowerment Trainer, and Master Firewalking Instructor who has made a lifetime study of human expression. She creates and teaches methods that make complex concepts easy to approach, understand and master—helping her clients and class participants create joyful, prosperous and fulfilling lives and businesses. She is author of "A New Relationship With Money," and founder of the Spiritual Finance Initiative, which is devoted to changing our individual and collective relationships with money.
Karina B. Heart is a seasoned Seminar Leader, Author, Shamanatrix and Mentor in the fields of Personal and Spiritual Development. A Master Firewalk Instructor, and initiate of several Mystery Traditions, she embodies a wealth of Crazy Wisdom. Her seminars have transformed the lives of thousands throughout the US, UK and Europe by helping people identify their highest ideals, overcome negative beliefs, and claim ownership of their latent power.